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Quo Vadis?

This is the monthy address to the order by the Knight Commander

Knight Commander Christopher C. Carrillo

June 2005
 Greetings Brother Knights! I know it has been some time since I have had the opportunity to put a Quo Vadis online. Much has happened since. We have a new pontiff. Benedict XVI. I pray to our Heavenly Father that He guide our new Pope into restoring the liturgy and sacraments of our Church. Our order has fallen in membership. Men we need to sow the seeds in order to reap the harvest. we all have been slack as of late, myself included. Pray men, remember your vows. The work of the Lord is never done. I hope all is well for those on summer break. Also remember our fellow knights who are now in harm's way in service of their country.
 In Christ Our Saviour,
 KC Christopher C. Carrillo KSTP

November 2003
My Brother Knights. The title of this month's Quo Vadis is 'Learning to become a mamma's boy'. I know it's hard for us sometimes as men to admit our reliance on our mothers. Well maybe for some of us it might be a little easier, I know I wouldn't be anywhere without mine. And I'm also sure that all of us do our best to honor and respect our mother, not only because we love her, but because we have been commanded by God to do so. So how much more important is it then that we honor our spiritual mother? In the Gospel of St. John, Christ from the cross presents Mary to John saying "Son, behold your Mother." As disciples of Christ she is our mother too. She will lead us all back to Christ, because that is her mission. She who was concieved without sin in order to bear Him who would die for all sin, She who at the wedding of Cana told the servants "Do whatever He tells you" it is she that we are to listen to, because her message remains the same. To quote Fr. John Corapi "Hail Mary cannot be said without Hail Jesus echoing thru the cosmos." Her mission is to lead all to her son.
Men, we need to make sure we have true devotion to Mary. Not going to the extreme of idolatory, but neither to the extreme of degrading or ignoring her. We must pray the rosary. I know all of you promised in your vows to do so every day as part of becoming a knight. I also know tha this is a difficult undertaking, and that many of us get easily disctracted or start to find exuses, but Men we must do this. The Rosary is the prayer of the Gospel, and there is power in that. It is the most powerful prayer I know, other than the Mass. We need to become "mamma's boys". Mary is the defeater of all heresies and she will help us through this horrible period in Church history. She will always give us hope, and will always point us the way back to her most perfect son.
In Christ our Saviour,
KC Christopher C. Carrillo, KSTP

September 2003
Greetings brother Knights! I am starting to use the word brother now for a reason. We are brothers in Christ gentlemen. We need to show that special fraternity with each other by helping each other acheive our purpose. You have all gone through the Ritual and all know the vows you have professed before God. I know we are all busy men and school, work, families take up time and energy. This is all important. But we have to be Knights, which means we have to be men of God. We have to keep our prayer life central, and when it is, the other things in life will fall into place. As brothers, we have to encourage each other, and help each other in the mission of the order.
On a different note, we have started the Study Night program at Colleges and Military Bases, I think it is a wonderful thing that will help spread the Gospel and restore the Church in places where it is sometimes hard to receive sound orthodox Catholic teaching. If you are interested in starting one, write Headquarters and we will send you the requirements and teaching aides. Keep up the good work men. And may we all be in the ever happy blessing of our Lord Jesus Christ.
In Christ Our Saviour,
KC Christopher C. Carrillo, KSTP

August 2003
Greetings Fellow Knights. May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you. I hope that this summer has proved fruitful in living the Christian life. I hope that all of you have worked hard at developing your prayer life and following the commandments. The topic for this month's Quo Vadis is obedience. There seems to be a certain lack of obedience or even a sense of it in our modern world.
In our case, true faith leads to true obedience. For if you believe something, or in something you will live accordingly. When we say we believe in the Real Prescence,for example. We must not only say we believe and know all the theology and doctrines surrounding it, we must show that we do.For example: First and foremost we must not be in a state of mortal sin. To do so is to mock God, and say that we do not really believe in the Sacrament. Secondly our posture and attitude at the reception of the sacrament. Is is duly respectful and humble? Our physical actions can show others what we really believe. So by merely saying I believe,is not enough. To do so falls into the sola fide error of the Protestants. We must not only say we believe, we must obey without hesitation. These same principles apply to the rest of our lives. If we really believe what the Catholic Church teaches, why would we attend a "Mass" that is inherently protestant, or irreverent? Gentlemen, examine yourselves. Are you living your faith? Do you practice True Obidience in accordance with your faith? Do you practice what you preach? Do your actions reflect your faith? I pray that we may all become shining examples of what a Christian man truly is.
In Christ our Saviour,
KC Christopher C. Carrillo, KTSP

July 2003
Greetings Fellow Knights! I hope that the summer is going well for all of you, especially for those knights who no longer have the burden of studies thrust upon them.
My topic for this month's Quo Vadis is sanctity. A sense of the sacred has been lost in our modern culture, and we need to strive to bring it back. Our beautiful Mass is a living testament to sanctity. Every movement word or posture has a sense that something more important, something bigger than ourselves is going on. We need to take this and apply it to the rest of our lives. There is so much of the profane, everywhere. Nothing seems to be held sacred anymore. Not marrige, not sex, not even God sometimes. As Knights, gentlemen, we need to help to change that, by the way we live. Do you promote sanctity in your daily life? Do you treat your body like the temple of the Holy Spirit that it is? Do you look upon women with the respect for their sanctity? Do you set aside a place for prayer? Gentlemen, these are all questions that we need to answer. We must make an example and help bring a sense of sacred back into our profane world.
In Christ Our Saviour,
KC Christopher C. Carrillo, KSTP

May 2003
Greetings Fellow Knights! May the peace of our Lord Jesus Christ be with you all. I hope that this Easter season has been a joyous one for all of you. I have exciting news. Seattle has reported that there is a very real possibility that the Holy Father is going to grant a Universal Indult by the end of the year. This would allow any priest, anywhere to celebrate our beautiful liturgy whenever he pleases. This a joyous event that we must continue to pray fervently for.
With that said I turn our eyes inwards to our beloved order. Men we need more knights. Our work has only begun. I urge you to seek out worthy catholic gentlemen who would prove themselves worthy of our knighthood, in order that we may continue in the building up of God's kingdom. I am in constant prayer for this.
All those knights who do not have a latin breviary, write headquarters for bookstore locations. Also all knights should start planning for the 1st annual General Council of the order in New York City this coming December. Good work gentlemen. I pray that a kind and almighty Providence will continue to bless and guide our work. And may our last few days with our risen Lord prove fruitful.
In Christ Our Saviour,
KC Christopher Carrillo, KSTP

April 2003
Greetings Fellow Knights! This is my first Quo Vadis online. The title of the address is meant to reflect the words of Our Lord to St. Peter as he fled Rome due to the persecutions. Quo Vadis? Where are you going?
Where are you going men? Have you strove this Lent to prepare for the Resurrection of Our Lord, have you been faithful to your Knightly vows. Have you devoted enough time to your prayer life, which is the cornerstone of Knighthood? Have you been Chivalrous in your daily life, always deferring to the sanctity of women, not only in your actions but in your thoughts and words?
This is not an easy task that we have taken upon us men. The state of our world and the health of our Church depend on us, and on all of the faithful. So as we move into the Easter season and prepare for Pentecost, take up your swords men, and remember the vows you have publicly and privately professed, and let us spring forth to the defense of our Church.
In Christ Our Saviour,
KC Christopher Carrillo, KSTP

Knights of St. Patrick, Alpha Chapter, Albuquerque,NM